Your Tantric Massage Experience

What to expect during your tantric massage.

At the beginning of your tantric massage experience I will talk with you about the tantric massage session, answering any questions you have and talk with you about what ways to best tailor the full body massage experience to you individually. It is refreshing to use the shower which is available before and after your tantra massage session.

The tantric massage experience can bring you to a place of deep relaxation in a way that will also enable your whole being to be highly aroused. The massage will begin using Swedish or holistic massage and be a full body massage experience including the intimate area of the body. The tantric massage experience combines body massage, relaxing breathing techniques and arousal of the senses.

You may have seen the tantric massage for men include the word Lingam, this is simply the Sanskrit word for the intimate male body. Tantric massage for women often includes the word Yoni which is the Sanskrit word for the intimate female body.

It is best to suspend all expectations or goals and approach each session as an exploration of new sensations. The goal orientated mind is set in its ways. Exploration and finding new experiences for your body, your sensuality, your sense of self, requires an openness.

The tantric massage experience is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is a welcome part of the Lingam or Yoni massage experience. Tantric massage is about being able to receive pleasure. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. Tantric Lingam or Yoni massage gives you the opportunity to enjoy a full body massage, including the intimate part of the body, to receive pleasure and relax into yourself.

When relaxed, free of stress and tension, the body can then open up to the tantric massage experience, where your sensations of arousal are prolonged, bringing you up to the point of arousal a number of times, then allowing that energy to fall and rise like a wave.

Tantric massage is also recommended for men who experience premature ejaculation. I can lead you through techniques and recommendations which with practice can help you prolong your experience. Also it is important to say that there is “no pressure for you to perform” in a tantric massage, this takes the pressure off you if you are inclined to worry about this. Simply relax in to your massage and let my touch give you a relaxing tantric massage in London.

Tantric full body massage will deeply relax you, using classic relaxing massage strokes, taking you to a place of bliss and pleasure. When relaxed, free of stress and tension the body can then open up to the tantra massage. I can lead you in simple breathing exercises that can enable you to explore a full body massage experience.

The tantric massage is about opening up to new experiences of receiving pleasure and arousal for your whole being.

Sessions and Fees